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Please take a minute to fill this form to help us help you. Please read the disclaimer before you submit. Please go through the previously answered questions to see if a question similar to yours was already answered.

Name (Optional)              	 


City / State*	          	



Sex*                               	 Male   Female

Marital Status*                       

Nature of problem*                

Describe your problem / concern here*


Duration of the problem*       

Always present? If not, when did it begin?*

Does it occur with every partner or only some (if applicable)?*

What do you think is the cause of the problem *

Who is effected by this?*

Taken / taking any medicines for this or other reasons?*

Do you or did you have any other health problems? Undergone surgeries?*

Tried any self-help?

I have read and understood the Disclaimer and agree to be bound by the conditions stipulated therein.

                                     - Ramsha Institute of Sexuality, India.