Sir... i utilised a
dildo and almost 1
year i used it.. ...
now i am engaged wid
a guy next year we
are marrying we had
sex ..but so he says
i am not to
proove i never had
sex with anyone ??
Hello doctor!!
Yesterday my friend
said to hug him ...
but feeling was not
coming of hugging
him. I earlier use
to hug him a lot but
now i don't know
something is wrong.
Sir, i have some
serious issues
regarding my sexual
I know that
masturbating is not
a disease but excess
of any-thing is
bad.. I guess
following are the
after effects of
Sir I am fit and
fine but if anyone
girl's I am seen
suddenly I have made
leaked that's why i
am worried. please
reply Sir
wine may give sex life a boost
-- particularly that of women --
but only if consumed in modest
quantity. In one study, women
who had one or two glasses of
red wine a day said they had
more desire, were aroused more
easily, and had more sexual
satisfaction than those who
didn’t drink. But those who
drank more than that reported no